Omorodion...rain of truth |
Thanks Pinnick for your reply.
Taking your point one after the other, I maintain that you are a small boy
because I am older than you by nine years. Your smallness however, is hinged on
the way you react to issues.
I now know that you are not a man of
honour if you say you never called me some 13 years ago. I have never told
anyone this except, of course, Tony Ubani who was with me the day you called.
Because we were not in the GSM era then, you are now denying it.
If you insist you never did, can you
swear in the name of God for His wrath to befall you if you never called me? If
you have forgotten, I cannot forget it. You know who you reported me to, I
don't want to mention any name.
I have written stories that were not
palatable to even Edo State where I come from but they stated their own side
and never reported me to my bosses. Why must Delta State be different? Even if
Delta State owns Vanguard, am I not
entitled to my own opinion?
I have not said Delta State doesn't
have programmes to develop their athletes or coaches but does that remove from
the fact that they still poach athletes for the Sports Festival? Can you beat
your chest and say that all the athletes you present at Sports festivals are
groomed by the state?
Poaching of athletes: Why did you engage a renowned poacher of athletes at
one time or the other for some of the Sports festivals in which you excelled? I
must confess that Delta did not start the poaching approach to sports festivals,
Kano did at a time, Edo perfected it before Rivers imbibed it in 2011.
Most states do but is it the right
thing? If you say you don't know the master of poaching you employed in the
past then you are stingy with the fact.
As for the athletes you discovered
at the AYAC in Warri, time will tell how really young they are. We are in this
country and will see how they will scoop gold in the 2016 and 2020 Olympic
Games since they are truly 17 years old now.
Amu and Okpomo: I mentioned Fanny and Okpomo to let you know I know you. I also know
that you schooled with my cousin in Warri. I have not said you are a dullard
but I maintain that your rise is not necessarily because of your intelligence
but your closeness to those in power, so don't write some of us off who don't
have godfathers to push them.
Adamu vs. Ekeji: Yes, now to Ekeji. Whether you like it or not, Ekeji is a better
administrator than the man you and all other apostles tend to worship, Dr Amos
Adamu. I met both men and chose to support Ekeji because he had better grasp of
administration than Adamu. Ekeji played the game, coached and taught it and
administered it.
It is a pity that Ishaya Mark Aku,
former sports minister is late, I would have asked you to see him and ask him
why he preferred Ekeji to your main man. If you want to ask about Ekeji's
performance, go to the ministry and ask the staff, don't sit in Warri and
swallow what his detractors feed you with.
For your information, when some
Board members of the Cycling Federation bungled and mismanaged the sponsor
money for the Maltina Cycling tour causing the cyclists to protest and abandon
the tour at a point some years ago, I took it up with Ekeji and told him what I
know about it all since I covered the tour from Abuja through Nasarawa, Enugu,
Delta, Edo, Ondo, Osun, Oyo to Lagos.
But when he preferred to protect
them because of some of the sports ministry staff who were involved, I blew
open the scandal and the sponsors were shocked. You can ask if you were not
following sports at that time.
I was not on Ekeji or sports
ministry's payroll like some people are with you and Delta and see every thing
in Delta as the best in Nigeria when it is not. Whatever relationship I had
with Ekeji was purely professional. I never visited or slept in his house
because of what I want to collect from him like most of your loyalists do to
you and Adamu.
If you want us to throw stones,
start it and we shall see who will be mostly hurt. Definitely your loyalists
who paint Delta as if it is God's footstool. The same people who hate Ekeji
because he refused to make them the sports ministry's contractors like Adamu
did purely because he was always being blackmailed. They knew his weaknesses
and loopholes of course.
Adokie Amiesimaka: You don't have to drag Adokie Amiesimaka into this. Adokie definitely
has his impression about Ekeji, the same way he has about Adamu and even you
who tried to rubbish him because he aired his opinion against your principals
sometime ago. Ekeji is not a saint but you cannot wave aside his achievements
which you cannot attain even if you remain the altar ego of everything sports
in Delta for thy kingdom come.
So don't use this forum to reconcile
with Adokie after he carpeted you for venturing to undermine his achievement in
Nigeria's football.
University graudation: I'm happy you graduated 19 years ago from the
University of Benin and 43 years now. I graduated from the University of Ife
(not Obafemi Awolowo University) 28 years ago and also have three children from
one wife also, so don't think I'm a polygamist.
If you care to know, like you know
Okpomo, I also come from a disciplined family where the truth is our watchword.
You can find out from my cousin, Larry Izamoje, at least, you schooled with his
younger brother.
Again, I maintain I don't do stories
or air an opinion because of what I will 'chop' or because I want to pull
somebody down. If you don't want people to talk about you, then don't accept a
public office. You don't have to invite me to Warri, I choose where I go.
I know that if I have compromised
myself before you or Adamu, you would have caused me to be thrown out of Vanguard by now. I urge you to dig
deeper for the missiles you want to use against me. Employ all the spies you
have in Warri and Asaba, I don't mind. Very soon the hen will come home to
I don't need any forgiveness from
you because I haven't wronged you. You can also not get forgiveness from me
because you have not sinned against me. Friends, yes, we can be but have I ever
professed you are my enemy?
Many people think Adamu is my enemy
but far from it. The man knows I do my job and he says so whenever we meet.
Only that people want him to hate or even harm me. The man however, has
the fear of God despite everything. God bless you all who will read this.